“A Brief History of Entanglement (and Photons)”
6:30 pm, Wednesday 22nd February 2023
Horace Lamb Lecture Theatre
The University of Adelaide (North Terrace campus)

A/Prof Jacqui Romero
Reader and Westpac Research Fellow,
University of Queensland
I will tell the story of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. I will talk about entanglement: its importance and implications. I will talk about photons and their instrumental role in the important experiments that established the reality (aha!) of entanglement.
Bio: Dr Jacqui Romero is an expert in experimental quantum information. Her research is focused on using higher-dimensional systems for exploring curious quantum physics phenomena and developing future quantum technologies. She is the group leader of the research team Qudits@UQ. Jacqui was born and bred in Manila, Philippines. Hearing her high school physics teacher complain about quantum physics, she became curious and googled "quantum physics"—she has been hooked ever since. She holds BS Applied Physics magna cum laude and MS Physics degrees from the University of the Philippines. She finished her PhD at the University of Glasgow (in sunny Scotland!) where she was a researcher for seven years. In 2015, she moved to Brisbane to join the Quantum Technology group at the University of Queensland. In 2016 she took up an ARC DECRA fellowship with the same group. In 2019, she took up a Westpac Research Fellowship and formed her own team, Qudits@UQ. Jacqui is recognised for moving the shape of photons to mainstream quantum information. She is currently an associate professor and Westpac Research Fellow. She is also a chief investigator at the Centre of Excellence For Engineered Quantum Systems (EQUS).
The Bronze Bragg medals and merit certificates will be presented at the lecture.

The medals are awarded for highest achievement in Physics in 2022 in the SACE Stage 2 assessments and IB Higher Level Physics, with certificates being for students who achieved a merit or a grade of 7.
For additional information please contact the SA AIP Branch Secretary:
aip_branchsecretary_sa@aip.org.au +61 8 8313 2323 (W)